Welcome to the SEND department at Marshalls Park Academy. We are an established team who work with students and their families to eliminate barriers to learning and open up possibilities through positive experiences.
At Marshalls Park Academy, we place significant importance on quality first teaching for all of our SEND students. We recognise the huge positive impact that classroom teachers have on the progress of students with SEND and always endeavour to ensure that their needs are met in classrooms. Teachers have access to individual SEND support plans to ensure that they can make appropriate adaptions to aid the progress of all students in their classes.
Alongside this, the SEND department offer targeted support for students through a combination of in-class support and extra provision provided by our excellent team of Learning Support Assistants. We also have close links with the Pastoral and Ready For Learning teams within the school.
Our main aim is to provide an inclusive environment where SEND students can flourish at Marshalls Park Academy; we want to see our students gaining qualifications and developing into successful and confident young people.
SEND Information Report 2023/2024
Our team is made up of:
Mr Glenn Pilley - SENCoMrs Kathy Norden - SEND Administrator
If you have any questions or would like some further information, email Glenn Pilley at