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Marshalls Park Academy

Senior Leadership Team


We have a team of 7 senior colleagues in the school ably assisted by a strong network of middle leaders; the team consists of: Headteacher, 3 Deputy Headteachers and 3 Assistant Headteachers.

We have included a brief resume of each of our roles in the biographies below. There are, of course, many responsibilities beyond those listed, but this will give you a good flavour of our key roles should you wish to contact the school.

Mr Neil Frost


Responsible for the strategic direction of the academy, staffing the academy, the academy’s self-evaluation processes, dealing with external agencies, interaction with the Local School Advisory Board and the Trust.

Mrs Sarah Aylett

Deputy Headteacher

Responsible for Teaching & Learning across the school, including homework, and the effective continuous professional development of all teaching staff. In addition Mrs Aylett leads on Initial Teacher Training for the school and coordinates the Professional Development programme for Early Career Teachers and their mentors. Mrs Aylett is also responsible for the reward system at Marshalls Park and oversees the student council.

Mrs Trish Gilroy

Deputy Headteacher

Responsible for the assessment strategy across the school and our engagement with external programmes and strategies to raise student outcomes. She line manages the Disadvantaged Coordinator, along with the management of budgets to provide appropriate interventions and recovery programmes for our students. Mrs Gilroy is also responsible for curriculum line management within the school, exam arrangements and data management.

Mr Ian Smyrk

Deputy Headteacher

Responsible for ensuring the engagement of students around school, and their readiness for learning. This is includes line management of the pastoral team through Mr Pickering, as well as leading colleagues on extra-curricular provision and careers advice and guidance in school. Mr Smyrk also coordinates programmes for our Most Able students, as well as reviewing our staff/student voice.

Ms Judith Jackson

Assistant Headteacher

Responsible for safety of students in the school. Designated Safeguarding Lead, including overview of our most vulnerable students and line managing SENCo; liaising with external agencies around child protection. Ms Jackson is also responsible for PSHE, alongside Mr Rahman.

Mr James Pickering

Assistant Headteacher

Responsible for the behaviour of students within the school, attitudes to learning, and line manages the Year Leaders and Ready for Learning team.. Additionally, responsible for KS2 to 3 transition programmes for key students, alongside the SENco; Mr Pickering is also responsible for coordination of any students on dual registration, and attends LBoH FAP and BAP meetings.

Mr Amin Rahman

Assistant Headteacher

Responsible for the curriculum.  Incorporating the quality of curriculum delivery in the classroom, overview of the work of the curriculum areas, curriculum reviews and development. Mr Rahman is additionally responsible for the options process, timetabling, and embedding the curriculum intent into the school. He is also working on liaison with feeder primary schools around curriculum transition.