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Marshalls Park Academy

Student Leadership at MPA


PREFECT (noun) In some British schools a prefect is a mature student with some authority over other students and some other responsibilities and advantages.


At Marshalls Park being a Prefect is a highly regarded position of influence.

During the final half term of Year 10, students are given the opportunity to apply for one of our highly coveted Prefect roles.  Application is by formal letter to Year Leaders. 

Our Prefect Team consists of Literacy Prefects, Homework Prefects, Peer Prefects and Subject Prefects.  While the day-to-day duties vary significantly between roles, each position equally contributes to improved student experiences at Marshalls Park

Our Prefect Team 2024-25:

In addition to the Prefect Team, we also have the Senior Prefect team, who are appointed after a formal interview with Mr Frost and their Year Leader.

As you are no doubt aware a significant duty for our Senior Prefect Team is their responsibility for leading Year Group Councils.  Our Senior Prefects then act as a conduit to represent discussions had at year group councils when they meet Mr Frost and Mrs Aylett on a fortnightly basis.


Our Senior Prefect Team 2024-25:


Students in Years 7-10 are able to put themselves forward for a coveted position of responsibility by nominating themselves for election as their form group’s council representative.

School Council Members 2024-25: 

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
Leads Elisha & Max Stephanie & Vedika Lexi & Lauren Savannah & Sohaib Alexander & Toma
A Elijah Simran Lacey Lilly B Nicoleta
B Etana Aayan Luwa Kotryna Alexander
C Alfie Joel Arnez Armaan Kha-Re
D Sedef Shezheen Bianca Alexia-Lee Catalina
E Tyler Riley Alfie Matei Liza
F Alex Himmat Isabelle Logan Amy
G Bushrah Jacob Mariyan Leia Vasile
H Gracie Tan James Mahdi Kai

During fortnightly meetings, form representatives discuss all aspects of school life. Topics vary from small recommendations like suggesting new after school clubs to investigating broader ways to improve our community spirit as a school.

Our school council representatives also act as ambassadors when we host visitors to our school.