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General Careers – Barclays Life Skills is an excellent website that provide lots of useful careers information. It is not just about careers in banking, but provides students with lots of useful interactive activities on how they can develop their employability skills. If you are 14, you can create an account. – A fantastic website, you can create an account, this website is really interactive and provides lots of useful information. There is also a parents zone so parents/carers can find out the information that they need to know. – An excellent website with lots of useful information for everything that you need to plan your future. – Careers film on the web, lots of short videos explaining about what each different job involves. – Not Going To Uni; A useful website that explains all the options that are available to you if you do not want to go to university. You can also search for apprenticeship vacancies on this website. – How 2 become provide lots of useful information on how to get into different careers. There are lots of these guides in the careers section of the school library. – Lot of useful information about your future, there are guides that you can download. – As the name suggests, lots of information about all the options that are available to you once you leave Marshalls Park. – Sort your future gives you information so you can decide what careers to go into in the future. – Lots of useful information about graduate employment. – The Student Room provides lots of useful information and has forums where students and parents can see various discussions topics. – An explanation of what T-levels. These are a new type of qualification that has been launched.